Dance Alive builds your vitality and confidence as a Life Tri-Athlete.

Embodied Life Training Program.
We INSPIRE you to build your VITALTY, THRIVE in RELATIONSHIPS, & GENERATE WEALTH! We offer cutting edge TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES to MEET, MOVE, & SUCCEED throughout your ENTIRE LIFE! RE-AWAKEN you're GENIUS and bring it through into all you DO!
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring you deeper into contact with yourSelf, your innate intelligence & unique blueprint, and LEAD your life POWERFULLY from here! As you gain greater access to yourself, and expand your range of movement, you increase your Vitality, Grow Thriving & Dynamic Relationships, and Increase your Wealth and Prosperity!
We Offer
A variety of cutting edge embodiment programs equipping you to move through your life with connection, enjoyment, energy, perseverance, tenacity and the ability to team play as you take on your next level of commitment in your life!
You are led deeply inside so you are able to cultivate a relationship with your body that goes beyond any formal or traditional training, to the essence of your unique being. You learn how to navigate your own system and how to move from stillness to activity while staying connected to yourself. You are encouraged to expand your mind, and initiate movement beyond your current capacity. Your body is a brilliant, resilient, learning organism that is constantly regenerating itself by responding to its inner and outer environment. By taking the directions, you develop new neural pathways and access greater intelligence within you. You are literally getting smarter as a result of this movement practice!

Access the Quiet Empty Space Inside You, Where all Life, Motion, and Creativity Emerge From. Our bodies inherently know how to heal, move, regenerate and bring us into greater balance. Train your body and mind not to interfere or override your innate intelligence. By receiving what your whole system is communicating to you, you deepen your trust in yourself, open to feeling without reacting, creatively problem solve, expand your capacity to love and be loved, and are naturally inspired. By listening to this internal communication you become more responsive to your entire body and open to all your resources and everything occurring in your life. Inner Rhythms is a highly refined and disciplined practice.

Empower yourself to lead effectively in your life, while staying connected inside. Increase your ability to lead with confidence, clarity, & creativity while participating on a Healthy, Vibrant Team. Learn to Speak, coming from being connected through your entire body. Be able to read the movement of what is occurring and do the action that brings the most synergy and balance to the whole team. Move to your next level of being confident in every interaction, solid in every communication, and open to your truth. As a result,you can meet challenges and problem solve, create flow and synergy, and work and play with others in a productive way. You are building your skills you need to be able to thrive in every area of your life– personally, relationally, and professionally.

Work with master coaches in small groups or private sessions to accelerate youre rate of movement in your entire life! Gain deeper clarity, focus, and direction within yourself. Learn to move on a team, and on all the teams of your life with agility, intention, and creativity. Apply all of the movement, meditation, and leadership principals and practices, to move you towards your intentions and goals! Discover deeper levels of yourself, and carry these skills and training into every area of your life. The encouragement coupled with direct feedback, accelerates your rate of movement, so you can reach your goals most effectively and efficiently.

Our Approach
This is a cutting edge educational system, designed to facilitate the most optimal, sustainable, and integral movement in your life. This dynamic learning environment is highly disciplined and highly creative. You discover deeper levels of yourself, and carry these skills and training into every area of your life.

Our Community
Join a dedicated and vibrant community of people who are committed to diving deeper into themselves, stepping into their power, and CREATING movement in their health, relationships, and work! Visionary Founder, Mariane Karou, creates a HIGHLY UNIQUE culture of openness, inclusiveness, honesty, and safety- to learn, to make mistakes, and to keep MOVING! There is no right or wrong way to MOVE and DO LIFE! You are encouraged to be true to yourself, open and expand your capacity, and relate and create on this team and all the teams in your life!
Get Started
Explore our upcoming classes, workshops, and trainings, and take the first step towards a life of VITALITY, CONNECTION, and INSPIRED ACTION!
We're here for YOU and ready to support you in your next level of MOVEMENT in your LIFE! Reach out to us at

Meet Our Inspiring Facilitators
Our team of talented and experienced dance facilitators is led by Mariane Karou, the visionary founder of Dance Alive. With her deep commitment to personal growth and empowerment, Mariane guides participants through transformative journeys, helping them unlock their full potential and embrace joy, vitality, and resilience.

From Our Students

Dance Alive is an Embodied Life Training Program that encourages personal, relational, and business growth, through Dynamic Movement, Deep Body Meditations, & Embodied Leadership.
Mariane Karou is the Visionary founder of Dance Alive. She has been teaching for over 50 years and is a Pioneer in the field of Somatics, Movement, and Leadership! She is a dedicated guide who Empowers people of all ages, and at every stage of life!
The core practices of Dance Alive include:
MOVEMENT - "Ride the Wave" Classes & Workshops
MEDITATION - "Inner Rhythms" Classes & Workshops
LEADERSHIP-"Take Charge Now" Workshops
Dance Alive offers Transformative Benefits, fostering a deep connection with yourself, greater alignment and clarity in your intentions, and greater movement skills to utilize to build your vitality, relationships, and wealth, with COMMITMENT & LOVE!
Click "See Our Programs" button above and sign up for one of our classes or programs! We look forward to MOVING with you!
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Be Resilient



Be Open

Team Play

Gotta Move

Power Up

Reach Out

Flow Easy

Drop In



