Discover the Power of Personal Coaching with Private Sessions
Dance Alive® Private Coaching Sessions are designed to give you the individual attention you need to apply the Dance Alive® training in your entire life, in your self, relationships, and career!
Unlock Potential
Receive Masterful personalized guidance to help you reach your goals and THRIVE in every area of your LIFE!
Ignite Growth
Experience profound personal growth and empowerment through our one-on-one coaching sessions. Grow yourSELF, your relationships, and your wealth!

What will I Gain?
You are being trained in Foundational Life Skills, acquired through the embodiment and practice of the Dance Alive® System
- The Dance Alive® Movement Forms give you the ability and agility to reach your intention & goals.
- The Dance Alive® Values are the roots of the system that create a foundation of integrity to move from.
- The Dance Alive® Tools assist you in moving sustainably and with VITALITY!
Your Dance Alive® Coach (see coaches at bottom of page) will train you in how to embody and integrate this system so you can apply it to specific situations that are occurring in your life. As a result of training in the ENTIRE Dance Alive® system, you can reach your goals and intentions with greater ease and confidence, face challenges as you build your strength, relax under stress, and teamplay effectively with others.

Access Your Truth

Expand Your Awareness

Gain Greater Clarity & Focus in Your Life

Upgrade to Movement & Teamplay Consciousness

In Private Coaching Sessions you will be guided in using the Dance Alive® Movement Forms, Values, and Tools to:
1. Embody Your Direction
Being clear on your INTENTIONS (The overall direction you are moving in).
Being clear on your GOALS (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely).
2. Reach Your Intentions & Goals Using Your WHOLE System Intelligence
Most intention and goal setting systems are based in a linear model.
Dance Alive works with your whole system, utilizing the whole body, mind, emotions and spirit to reach your goals. We use the combination of the right and left hemispheres of the brain working together, along with shifting your brainwave frequency to a state that is most optimal for problem solving and movement.
3. Balance Your Whole Life
Most people tend to focus primarily on one area of their life (work, relationship, or self), and therefore can move further faster in that one area.
Dance Alive trains students in having a balanced life across board. This is an endurance training as it calls for deep, incremental movement and stamina that is needed to go the long haul in each area of your life. This leads to the greatest long term fulfillment. You build deep appreciation for all aspects of your life and are able to shift and prioritize in the moment as needed.
4. Manage Your Thoughts and Emotions
Most people struggle with their thoughts and emotions when moving towards their intentions & goals. Learning to manage your mind and use it to direct and encourage yourself is essential to manifesting your intentions and goals. Learning to manage your emotions, to be open to all your feelings (without suppressing or venting) and use them as essential information, is one of the keys to maintaining steady, solid energy while moving towards your goals. This way you spend your time in responsive action, as opposed to reactive emotion.
5. Register Your Success Each Step Along the Way.
Being able to experience what you have accomplished gives you the strength and confidence to take the next step. Most people (caught in the rat race) skip over this step which creates an overdrive/collapse pattern that leads to “burn out” or “give up” on your way to your goals. You will learn how to achieve success by moving incrementally, which ultimately leads to being solid and fluid as you move towards your goals.
We look forward to assisting you in integrating and practicing more MOVEMENT throughout your Entire Life!
Join us in-person and experience the joy of dynamic movement with our expert instructors.
Engage with our live-streamed sessions and connect with our vibrant community from the comfort of your own home.
Online Video Library
Access our pre-recorded video library and take charge of your personal growth at your own pace.
Schedule Appointment
*Dance Alive® Private Sessions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own Medical Provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other health professional). Rather, we serve as movement guides who help you reach your own personal goals. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health situation and any physical, emotional, or mental health issues.

Dance Alive is an integrated life training program that encourages personal growth through dynamic movement, deep body meditations, and embodied leadership.
Mariane Karou is the founder of Dance Alive. She has been teaching for over 50 years and is a pioneer in the field of somatic, movement, and leadership! She is a dedicated guide who empowers people at every stage of life.
The core practices of Dance Alive include:
MOVEMENT- "Ride the Wave" Classes & Workshops
MEDITATION- "Inner Rhythms" Classes & Workshops
LEADERSHIP- "Take Charge Now" Workshops
Dance Alive offers Transformative Benefits, fostering a deep connection with yourself, greater alignment and clarity in your intentions, and greater movement skills to utilize to build your vitality, relationships, and wealth, with COMMITMENT & LOVE!
Click "JOIN NOW" Botton Above and sign up for one of our classes or programs!
We look forward to MOVING with you!
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